The Secret Behind the Bountiful and Cascading Curly Hair

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Curls are in style, and straight are off? Well, if you agree to the statement, pull out some fashion magazine that showcases the present hairstyle for women. Beautiful natural hair is the most adored object of possession: straight, curved, wavy, or any style. When you spot a lady with voluminous, curly hair, you must be wondering what the secret is all about. Throw away the idea of constantly changing your hair texture to a straighter version; embrace your bountiful avalanche of curly hair and kiss them. Yes, we have researched some tips that can keep your curly hair beautiful and healthy at the same time.
Rinse it in cold water: If you are out for work, the sun and pollution can damage your hair.

If you have shoulder-length hair, tie them safe while you go out. Applying shampoo twice a week is justified. While you shampoo, apply conditioner to keep it soft and manageable. One tip that would save your hair from the constant lethal blow is to use cold hair after applying conditioner. Probably that is the golden rule to protect the keratin layer. Use hot water to wash and scrap your scalp, but you can run cold water all over your hair’s length once it’s over.

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Use premier quality curling crème: You may possess a straight hair, but want that to get the curly look for a party or a show. What can you do to give your hair a curly look? Look for curling gel or crème available in the market that would care for your hair. You will get a plethora of choice at Pick the curling crème best suited for your purpose. Make sure you follow the instructions while using the product. Choose your favourite hair crème, shampoo, conditioner and hair serum. Give yourself that perfect look of a celebrity. You have a gamut of choice of cosmetics you would desire to make you look ravishing.

Use anti-fizz-agents after washing: If you have a dry scalp, shampooing might leave it even dryer. Whenever you apply shampoo, make sure you wash your hair and apply conditioner to make it soft. If you still observe that your hair is unmanageable, use anti fizz agent, which will impart smoothness and shine to your hair. Curly hair looks right after you look after well. But your hair might be subjected to be breakage or entanglement. Make sure you dry your hair with a towel, sundry and then apply a broad comb to remove the tangles. Trust me, your coils or waves will be even more prominent once you maintain them efficiently.

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Oil your hair for that ready, shimmering look: You must be experimenting with your hair with styling crème, curling clips, or chemicals to give your hair a good look. All these harms the natural texture of your hair by extruding the keratin layer. Apply coconut oil almost thrice a week, to impart toughness to your hair and make it healthier. You can apply hot oil combined with herbs once a week. This will ensure a good shine and perfect hair health.
Comb your hair often: Your hair needs good blood circulation. It’s said that if you comb your hair often, that you keep your tresses in order. After drying your hair give it a comb, so that it gets shape and of course some goof blood circulation.

Practise ‘yoga’ for hair which is nothing but tapping your scalp gently, going up to the top and then again down towards the shoulders. Tie a tight ponytail with the help of your fingers, keep in that position for 2-3 minutes and then release. This act will distress you as well as ensure good health for your tresses. You can wash your hair, dry it and comb for a perfect look. You can use the hair straightener to curl your hair, giving a wavy look to it. Trim your hair slightly whenever you notice any split ends. Trimming will ensure your hair would have an even growth and a fascinating look.

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  • Ensure your hair gets the perfect vitamin pack: Giving your hair natural nutrients is an essential step. You do not have to run to a parlour for a pricey spa package but can work out a homemade pack that will work well. Make a pack from avocado, lemon juice, coconut oil and apply on your scalp, keeping for about 30 minutes. You can rinse off and then wash the scalp. This pack will impart nutrients like vitamins and other essential elements.

You can cover your hair with a hot towel after applying this mask to ensure the skin pores get adequate blood circulation. A hot towel is a substitute for steam vapour, which is often involved in the parlours. This sort of homemade packs are useful, and your hair will get a shimmering look. Use shampoo which has natural ingredients, as the presence of chemicals might harm your hair texture.

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  • Minimum usage of blow dryer: If you are the kind of woman going out five days a week, shampooing your hair at least twice a week is necessary. You might be in a hurry to leave, and could be applying hair dryer, but the more you apply, the more your hair is subjected to damage. The best solution is to sun dry your hair. This is a natural, age-old solution to hair drying. Exposure to sunlight ensures the synthesis of vitamin D for skin and hair, an essential element. Your hair will be at the pink of health when you expose them to natural elements like sun instead of blow dry, thereby avoiding the thrust.
  • Each hair has its speciality. Some have curls, waves, coils, and some are smooth, straight. Love your hair and embrace its look. Just imagine yourself walking to a party in an alluring dress and an avalanche of curly hair- nothing lesser than a glamorous entry. Care and caress your tresses as you know you possess the most treasured asset in your life.