The Mamba Sports Academy removed “Mamba” from its name, out of respect for late Kobe Bryant. The sports academy from Southern California was co-owned by the NBA player, but they now announced that it would return to its original name of Sports Academy.
They said it was “mutual agreement made in accordance with the wishes of his estate.” The Academy added: “Thank you for respecting that decision in these turbulent times.”
Academy CEO Chad Faulkner explained their decision to go back to its old name. “Our beliefs and thoughts are Kobe is one of one. ‘Mamba’ is one of one. And with that, as we carry on as The Sports Academy, it’s more appropriate to put Kobe in another Hall of Fame, if you will, and to really respect a legacy that is really unrivaled, frankly, and let that live on its own”, he stated.
Faulkner said they would continue to work as usual and that they will carry the leanings of Kobe Bryant “in a respectful way.”
The Mamba Sports Academy, which was founded in 2018 as a joint athletic training business venture, explained that the decision to remove “Mamba” from its name was made in mutual agreement with his estate. However, the late basketball player’s fans disagree.
“Put Mamba back in the name”, one of them demanded, and another added: “Gonna do that to Kobe smh”.
The third social media user responded: “Disrespectful AF no reason to follow you guys anymore… Mamba Forever.”
Not everyone believed in Sports Academy explanation. “Totally unfollowing. Why would you change the name ?! You would think you would keep the name in his honor. How sad”, one wrote in the comments of Academy’s announcement on Instagram. “Y’all lying to the public changing the name wasn’t for ‘respect’ that was strictly a business move respect his name!!”, another one continued.