Physical appearance is very important today. Whether it is a woman or a man, it is important to take care of the appearance and health of the body and face, wear modern clothing that perfectly emphasizes the attributes and conceals flaws, but above all, to have a good hairstyle. What is the point of wearing makeup and modern clothes if your hair is messy? Just as it can drastically improve, it can also spoil the overall impression of someone.
Women very often chemically treat their hair. Highlights, balayage, ombre, classic dyeing, various treatments for the hair straightening, hair extensions, and even just blow-drying and ironing make it fluttery and beautiful at the moment, but also permanently damages it at the same time. Sometimes there is no way to repair the damage but to cut it.
While some get their hair cut because they have to, others do it because they want a change. There is a saying that when a woman wants a change in her life, she changes either her hairstyle or a partner. Dear boyfriends and husbands, to save yourself, take your beautiful lady for the hand and take her to her favorite hairdresser!
As for the haircut methods and techniques themselves, there are more. So, you shouldn’t be surprised when you see someone cutting the hair by tying it in a ponytail first. Others like to cut by twisting a lock of hair and cutting only a few hairs that have been damaged. One of the modern techniques is certainly a “haircut” with a lighter. The hair is also twisted into strands, so the ends are burned with a lighter. While some hairdressers cut only wet hair, others think that on dry hair it is best to see if the job is done properly.
However, when we talk about the classic, professional haircut, every hairdresser knows that the tool is as important as his own skills.
Just as no professional from another domain regrets paying a little more to have a tool that will bring him a better income, so hairdressers are willing to pay a few dollars more to have a good-quality hair dryer, scissors, or a clipper they deserve.
What is important to pay attention to when choosing the right shears? First of all, there are many types of it. It depends whether you need it for layering or straight haircutting, only for ends or thinning. Although it sounds strange to amateurs, because all the scissors look the same, hairdressers very much notice the difference. But how can we recognize a good-quality hair cutting tools?
First of all, the sharpness is very important. Shears must be as sharp as a razor to be able to cut the hair at the desired angle. It is also very important that they are made of quality material. It is usually stainless steel. They should also be easy to use and hold. When we speak about stainless steel, Japan and German-made shears are irreplaceable. We are sure you will find everything you need in Kalista Salon.
Scissors that are “comfortable” for your hand will help you show your true skills. Nowadays, they are usually made with ergonomic handle and grip, which makes it easier for handling. It is good to pay attention to the spacing between fingers and to be aware scissors must fit perfectly in the hand so that they are convenient for the hairdresser to use, without creating pain in his joints. The size of the shears is also important and it should be picked according to your hand size. We do not have to be experts to figure out people with large hands need larger shears and vice versa. Also, think about the technique of the haircutting you are going to perform with it. In case it is necessary to lift the hair over the comb, large shears are easier to handle, while techniques that do not require hair lifting could be better performed by using shears with smaller blades.
We are not all used to holding scissors in the same way. Some do this by inserting the thumb into one hole and the index and middle finger into the other hole, others by inserting only the thumb and middle finger, and still others are left-handed, so the openings for the right-handed are not adjusted. The arrangement of holes on scissors can have a great impact on the quality of cutting. How? By holding the shears correctly, it allows us to perform more hand movements.
The right shear texture is crucial. Those with a larger number of teeth enable us to cut more hair than those with lesser teeth. So, it is possible in just two-three movements to cut more than 50% of the hair. Larger teeth shears are suitable for rough haircuts, while the ones with shorter teeth are good for finalizing.
When it comes to hair clippers, it is impossible to get the perfect bob hairstyle without it. Two razors that look like combs are arranged in two rows, and by its moving, the hair is being cut. It is very important to know which razor to use on what occasion. They are numbered to indicate the length of the desired hairstyle. Take a look at this list of 2024’s best hair clippers by WiseBarber.com.
It is important to know the difference between a trimmer and a clipper. Although it looks the same at first sight, it differs in razor appearance and its purpose. Trimmers have more narrow and shallow teeth and are usually used for the finesse, to clean up edges on short cuts, necklines, hairlines, and beards. To choose a good hair clipper, it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the blades are made. There is no mistake with stainless-steel blades covered with a carbon layer, but also titanium ones. Another thing you should pay attention to is whether to choose electric or manual. Speaking of electric clippers, the word itself tells us that they use electricity as a power source, but we have also battery-powered ones that can run for 2-3 hours until the next charge.
All in all, whether you buy shears, clipper, or a razor, always start with what purpose you need it for, the material it is made of, and whether it is suitable to handle.