Angelina Jolie is considered to be one of the hottest and most beautiful women in the world. She is gorgeous, isn`t she?
In 2008 Vanity Fair magazine did a pole, and according to 60%, Angelina was the one who deserved it. It is not surprising that lots of women are eager to know her beauty secrets. Some people even think that she has had several plastic surgery procedures to look so perfect.
So, let`s see if we can find any pieces of evidence to the actress has undergone cosmetic enhancements.
Before and After Photos
In order to understand if any surgeries of that kind have been performed, it is always better to compare the past and the present photos. So, we have compared Angelina`s photos before and after she became famous.
Does Angelina have lip injections?
One of the most discussed parts of her body is her lips. They often suppose that she has had lip surgery. We can definitely state that Angelina has never done anything with her lips. Just have a look at the photos. Her lips are natural.
Has Angelina had a boob job?
Everybody knows that the actress has had a boob job as her natural ones were removed due to cancer. Angelina herself shared that after the surgery she got teardrop shaped implants. The fake boobs look rather natural.
The question is if Angelina has had breast augmentation before. Were they real? Looking at the photo here, we can be sure that the size of her breasts is completely natural.
Did Jolie have rhinoplasty?
Angelina Jolie is the owner of the prettiest nose. The shape is so perfect that critics suspected that the actress has got a nose job. When seeing the photos, it is impossible to find any proof of that. Consequently, the conclusion is that Angelina is lucky to be born with a naturally beautiful nose.
Did she get chin implant?
Another suggestion is that she has got a chin implant. No wonder. The shape of her face is one of the most distinctive features of Angelina. One thing can be stated definitely, which is that her chin and jaw are natural.
What about botox or facelift?
Angelina’s Transformation
Year 1975
Angelina Jolie was born in 1975. This photo alone can prove that the actress never had any lip injections. She is just a baby, but her lower lip is already plump. What a cutie!
Year 1983
Here she is 8. She looks like a real lady enjoying her food. Angelina has always been the owner of beautiful eyes. Just look at those charming chubby cheeks!
Year 1988
This before a photo is another evidence that Angelina`s lips are natural. Yes, all the rumors are a lie. Plump lips are one of the most distinctive features of her face. This explains why so many females are willing to get lips like hers.
Year 1990
Being a 15-year-old girl, the actress was just gorgeous. She tried to make a modeling career but she did not succeed in that.
Year 1993
Angelina`s eyes are expressive. The eyelids are perfect. By this time, she has made several attempts to become an actress, and finally, she managed to get a role in Cyborg 2. Angelina is not fond of that movie, though. She put on some weight and that could be the explanation.
Year 1995
Here we can see Angelina looking unusual. We are actually not used to seeing her like that. Is it a Gothic style? Her hair is short here. Do you think she is pretty with such a haircut?
Year 1998
Just look at that bad girl! Angelina has the famous tattoo on her hand. She got rid of it later.
Year 1999
That year the actress won 2 Golden Globe Awards. That success could be the reason why her appearance was changed greatly. Now she became a blonde.
Year 2000
In 1999 her marriage with Jonny Lee Miller was over, and in 2000 Angelina and Billy Bob Thornton got married. Do you think that was too quickly?
Year 2001
Angelina got the role in Tomb Raider. She actually played the main role. Not only her face is perfect her, but her figure as well. That was her best shape ever.
Her boobs did not look that natural in that movie which caused some rumors. It is good that she has not got butt implants. That would have been too much!
Year 2005
Here Angelina is at the LA Premiere of Mr & Mrs. Smith in Westwood, CA. in this photo she looks extremely hot with that makeup and dress. Have you noticed that she has changed her style again?
Year 2006
That year there was a scandalous divorce between Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. Angelina denied any involvement in it but, at the same time, the actress said she loved Brad. Maybe it was he who could not cope with sudden feelings, because later that year everybody knew she was pregnant.
Year 2008
In this photo, the actress is at the Cannes Film Festival in France. That year she was considered to be the actress who is paid the biggest amount of money. Her face looks a bit chubby here. You could have thought it was due to Botox. Sorry to disappoint you, the reason for that is her pregnancy. Angelina was carrying her second baby.
Year 2009
In this photo, she attended the 81st Annual Academy Awards held at Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, California. People can speculate on the possible surgeries as much as they want, but there is one thing nobody can deny, which is that she has good taste. Just look how gorgeous and stylish she looked!
There are more changes in her. Angelina got rid of the dragon but got another one. We have to admit that this one looks much better.
Year 2012
Angelina appeared at the red carpet showing off her wonderful legs. Yes, they are beautiful. They are just perfect. The actress managed to keep her body fit. A healthy diet, genes, and workout could be the ones that helped her.
It is obvious that liposuction surgery would never be required. Angelina might have had a tummy tuck, though, because women tend to go through this procedure after giving birth. But there is no evidence for that.
Year 2013
Angelina became someone who changed the attitude of women towards breast cancer. The actress attended the movie premiere of “World War Z” looking amazing. That was the first time she appeared after the surgery. The two of her boobs were removed.
After the surgery, Angelina`s boobs were reconstructed, and she got new ones. The actress is slender, consequently, it is most probable that implants were put inside.
Year 2014
In this photo, Angelina is a 39-year-old woman. Her skin is not as smooth as it was before. There are evident wrinkles on her forehead. Why wouldn`t she visit a surgeon for cosmetic enhancement of that area?
Year 2015
Angelina showed up at the Critics Choice Award in Los Angeles looking gorgeous as always. Here her face looks too smooth for a woman of her age. What do you think it is? A makeup or Botox?
After the mutation gene diagnosis, her breasts were removed but in 2015, she also got her ovaries removed.
Year 2016
Angelina lost a lot of weight after she broke up with Brad Pitt. The actress has always been the owner of a slender body, but now she became too skinny. It looks like anorexia.
Year 2019
Now Angelina looks awesome again. The actress had a radiant and tight skin again. The change is so significant that people wondered if it was due to a facelift or miraculous skincare?
Year 2024
What Does Angelina Have To Say About Cosmetic Surgery?
People consider Angelina to be one of the most gorgeous women worldwide, and it does not matter much that she is not that young. It is not a secret that many people adore her, and many people envy her. It is also not surprising that they suspect plastic surgery.
In 2010 there was an interview with the Dailymail, and she was asked to share her opinion regarding her being a model for plastic surgeons, and many females undergoing plastic surgeries to look like her. She said she did not care much what other people did. It was for them to decide but she was not going to undergo any cosmetic enhancements.
Having looked through before and after surgery photos, we can definitely say that her mouth is natural. So, lips surgery has not been done. The before surgery photos also show that she has never had any cosmetic surgeries on her face.
We have inspected all the photos we could find, and we saw no proof of a nose job. So, all of her face features are not fake. “What about her teeth?” you would ask. Her teeth before and after she became a famous look the same, so there were no imperfections she might want to correct.
The only surgery Angelina has had was breast surgery. She never concealed it, though. Moreover, plastic surgery was done to prevent cancer.
Angelina Jolie is a bit more than 40 now, but her appearance is just stunning.
What is your opinion? Do you think she has had any cosmetic enhancements?