Your Best Travel Hacks and Teaching English Abroad


Many people look at traveling through rose-tinted glasses. They dream of the beautiful things they will see, the people they will meet and the experiences they will have.

While traveling really can be as amazing as you think, there are definitely some hard parts that can be stressful or result in you having a negative experience.

Even if you are living abroad and are immersed in the local culture, being away from home can still present some issues.

This is where travel hacks come into it. Travel hacks are tips you can follow to save money, time and stress and make your traveling experience even better.

Whether you’re traveling the world or teaching abroad, here are some great travel hacks you can follow.

1. Turn on private browsing when making bookings


Whether you are booking flights, train journeys, hotels, or even travel insurance, turning on the private mode on your internet browser can help to save you some serious money.

Many websites log your browser history and save your searches. If you then make the same searches again, a lot of websites will hike their prices. Avoid unnecessary extra charges by always turning on the private or incognito mode on your laptop.

If you are unsure of how to use private browsing, this helpful guide is available to give you additional information and advice.

2. Register for Airmiles or cashback schemes

Many banks and credit companies offer financial incentives when you make bookings on your card. If you are likely to use the same airline, or hotel chain multiple times, registering for their rewards schemes can help you to earn points, Airmiles or even free stays.

Shop around to find the best deals and look at which schemes apply to the countries you will be traveling to.

3. Make bookings directly with the hotel or hostel


Many hotels have to pay fees if you book through another site or on a search engine. If you find a hotel you like, contacting them directly could result in them offering you a discount.

You may be more likely to receive a discount if you are booking for longer stays or are booking multiple rooms.

4. Utilize maps and language apps to make your life easier

Downloading offline maps on your phone can help you to navigate, even if you don’t have access to the internet. Whether you use Google Maps, Apple Maps, or another map app, there should be an option to download the map in the area you are traveling.

You should also download a language app and download the translation of the local language. Many places in the world don’t speak English and this will allow you to communicate with the locals and travel easier, even when you don’t have Wi-Fi.

5. Take top-quality photos


Photos are a perfect way to remember your trip. Many travelers choose to post their photos online to show their friends and family back home what they are doing. Posting photos is also a great way of connecting with other travelers.

However, if you are traveling alone, you often end up with no pictures of yourself from your trip. This is where the selfie comes in.

Taking good selfies can be difficult, especially if you are also trying to capture the background behind you. Following some great tips on how to take the perfect selfie can help you to capture your favorite travel moment.

Travel Hacks When Teaching Abroad

Teaching and living in another country comes with its own set of difficulties. You will need to prepare for a longer time away from home and will need to account for long-term living costs such as rent and bills.

Many travelers choose to settle in one location to become better immersed in the local culture. It also allows you to meet local people, learn the language and earn money. Teaching abroad also gives you great school holidays ( in some countries up to four months a year) giving you plenty of time to travel as well.

One of the most popular teach abroad destinations is Thailand. Thailand has an abundance of job opportunities, in big cities such as Bangkok and on beautiful islands such as Phuket. You can find lots of teach English in Thailand opportunities that will allow you to work and travel at the same time.

As well as the hacks above, there are some specific travel hacks that will be particularly helpful to those who are looking to teach abroad:


Get a good travel laptop

As a teacher, you will need a laptop for lesson planning, writing reports, and conducting online lessons. You will need a laptop that is not only reliable and fit for purpose but is also compact and not too heavy, in order to save space in your luggage.

Look at the best travel laptops on the market today and choose the best one for your needs.

Pack smart

Packing smart can be difficult if you are traveling for a long period of time or are moving to another country. Packing smart can help to save you money on overweight baggage fees and mean that you don’t have to go shopping for forgotten items while you are away.

Some considerations you should make when packing are:

  • What type of bag do you need? You could choose a backpack, a suitcase, or a duffel bag, depending on your needs.
  • Does your workplace have a dress code?
  • What out-of-work activities will you be doing?
  • Will you be able to do laundry?
  • What are the average temperatures and weather forecasts?
  • Are there any cultural or religious guidelines you need to be aware of?
  • Can you layer your outfits if you travel between climates?

Final Thoughts

Whether you are living abroad or traveling for a short time, these great travel hacks can help to make your life easier and maybe even save you some money.

This allows you to travel stress-free and maximize your time away from home. Whether you are traveling for the first time, or a seasoned traveler, give these hacks a try today.