Today, you can see kettlebells in every gym, commercial or private. Through the years, these training tools have become a true staple in exercise with users coming from bodybuilding, various sports, recreation and anything in between. So if you never touched kettlebells before, you might be wondering whether you should give them a swing. Here’s why that’s a great idea:
1. They are low-impact
One of the main benefits of kettlebells is the fact that they provide users with a heavy cardio workout but without all the impact that can hurt their joints. Sure, running might be a great asset to any active person’s lifestyle but it is also very aggressive for the body. If you’re not very consistent with your recovery, spending hours on the treadmill is not a very good idea. But, with kettlebells, your feet stay firmly planted on the ground, sparing your joints and connective tissue of repetitive damage.
In nature, most kettlebell movements are ballistic, meaning they exercise your throwing and jumping power, which is great for your cardio training. Plus, you can perform fast and effective kettlebell routines that will do some serious positive damage to your muscle and cardiovascular system. If you’re looking to boost your endurance while sparing your joints, kettlebells will give you a lot of benefits.
2. They train full body
As we established before, kettlebells are great for your heart and lungs, but that’s not their only benefit. These balls of weight are one of the best ways to boost muscle strength all over the body. Most exercises involving kettlebells engage muscles from your head to toe, as well as incorporate various movements (swings, rotations, Turkish get-ups, etc.) which help your muscle power and make you a more successful lifter.
Depending on what moves you choose to perform (slow and deliberate kettlebell windmills or fast clean and press) you can activate all muscles in your body, causing your hands to burn, your back to work overtime, your legs to pump and your core to squeeze. The particular emphasis lies in your core, which is an over under-exercised group of muscles yet crucial for power, strength, stability, etc.
3. They build lean muscle
If you go to any gym today, you will find kettlebells racked right next to various dumbbells and barbells. While you won’t get crazy big with kettlebells, you can use them to get lean muscles. If you come up with a serious routine, you can get ripped with kettlebells in no time.
And the best thing is that you can find professional kettlebells for sale, introduce them to your home gym and have a great tool for building lean muscle that takes up minimal space. With lean muscle thanks to your kettlebells, you don’t have to eat like a bodybuilder or sacrifice any of your mobility. You’ll look amazing and feel your best.
4. They exercise explosiveness
Many sports require athletes to produce speed and explosiveness from their hips. Well, thanks to functional kettlebell swings, you’re training just that—conditioning your hips to produce speed and force.
With improved hip strength, you can boost your stability and avoid various injuries. Also, you can improve your ability to jump, sprint, explosively leave your stance and improve your overall performance on the field or track.
5. They improve balance
When you’re using machines in your training, you’re pushing or pulling weights, all on a path that’s been predetermined by manufacturers. On the other hand, kettlebell training pushes you to control the movements, so you need to put more engagement into stabilizers. And exercising your stabilizers and making them ready for all sorts of movements (together with improved core strength) leaves you with exceptional balance.
6. They boost mobility
While doing your exercises with a kettlebell, you’re required to move through many planes of motion, while also focusing on the managing force, torque, and range. Unlike isolation exercises, your body is relaxed and loose, allowing you to exercise your mobility to the fullest. As you get better with the weights, you can slowly start pushing your limits and improving your flexibility.
With this, your joints will become more stable, your muscles stronger and your movements improved. And why is this important? Well, mobility and flexibility are crucial in injury prevention as well as the proper performance of various exercises, moves, and routines.
To grab the kettlebell or not? The answer is clear: do it as soon as you can. These exercise tools will help every part of your body and do wonders for your weight loss, lean muscles, mobility, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular health. It’s time to swing!