MPA and MPP degrees are still an unknown concept for some people, but they happen to be of huge significance in our society, especially if you want to work something related to the government, so we decided it’s time to explain them a little bit further. This is what we’ll focus on doing in today’s article so without any further ado let’s take a look at what you need to know.
MPA – Master’s Degree in Public Administration
This type of degree is a professional degree and is offered by a lot of reputable schools and universities throughout the United States, but other countries as well. Of course, the name of this degree will be different in other countries, but the concept is the same. MPA is for those who are willing to get their diploma and get employed at a job where they’ll use the knowledge directly at their workplace. For more information on MPA and how this degree can be obtained online during the pandemic, feel free to click here.
A more precise list of jobs you can work with a previously-obtained MPA degree is this:
- Head of a nongovernmental organization
- Operations manager
- Management analyst
- Budget Manager
- City manager
- Government department head
- Public health administrator
- Health department manager
- Human resources manager
- Government relations officer
MPP – Master’s Degree in Public Policy
This degree opens up a lot of opportunities for you if you manage to acquire it. It is offered by a lot of schools throughout the entire world. You can work many government-related jobs with MPP, such as the following ones:
- Grant writer
- Development manager
- Policy analyst
- Nonprofit executive director
- City government elected official
- Government affairs director
- Legislative analyst
- Federal intelligence analyst
- Policy reporter
- News and politics editor
- Policy consultant
- Environmental analyst
- Clinical research associate
- Health program analyst
Now that we know what some of the jobs you’ll be offered are, let’s take a look at some other differences and key concepts regarding these two different types of degrees, the MPA and the MPP.
1. They are not the same thing
Although they have a lot of similarities, these two degrees are not the same. A lot of people think that MPA is superior, but this is quite the wrong opinion about it. You see, although those with an MPA degree, assuming they end up working what they graduated for, have to make sure everyone is following the public programs and policies, those with the MPP degree are the ones to create these programs and policies in the first place. Those with MPP degree do a lot of research on the subject and they conduct various forms of information, helping those with MPA to carry over the procedure and put all this to work in the public sector.
Due to the nature of the job you as an individual are served upon getting an MPP degree, you’ll have to know how to analyze data, study and observe, and most importantly, be patient about all that. Thankfully, all this is learned throughout the hundreds of hours spent in classroom time. This is why the MPP degree is considered academic-heavy.
Think of MPP degrees as those used for the “theoretical” part when it comes to public working and creation plus the implementation of programs. Think of MPA as the “practical” part.
You can obtain each degree online
Most people who want to obtain this type of degree are usually busy working their full-time job. And, especially when MPP is in question, doing this requires a lot of time spent studying and analyzing. Combine this with the road trips to school and back, and you’ll easily realize that you don’t have enough time during the day to get all this done. The current and ongoing global pandemic doesn’t help either.
Thankfully, we have fully implemented and adopted the method of online tutoring, and so did some of the most reputable universities. These degrees are offered by many different schools throughout the United States so it’s not difficult to find one that works through the method of online courses. You don’t even have to leave your home to get an MPA or MPP degree in 2024, which is quite amazing. We’re not sure about the price for the tutoring part though, it varies from one university to another.
Try to get them from a reputable university
Just like it is important where you received your diploma from, it’s equally as important to get your MPA or MPP degree from a reputable university. You’ll face a lot of competition when looking for a public job such as the ones offered to people with such degrees. So, you don’t want to be left behind and someone else taking your place just because their diploma comes from a more reputable university.
It is not wrong to acquire them at a later stage in life
A lot of people consider to change the direction of their career at a later stage in life, and there’s nothing wrong with that. For the jobs offered by MPA and MPP degrees, there aren’t any age requirements or something that could potentially limit you from working at one of those job positions. So, no matter how old you are, if you feel optimistic about acquiring such a master-level degree, we encourage you to go for it.
They are always worth the money
Just like any other master-level degree, having MPA and MPP acquired can help you out in life. You shouldn’t feel discouraged by the price in case it’s not what you expected once you tune in for some online tutoring. If you are serious about working one of the jobs we listed above, you’re investing in the right place. The best investment you can make is educating yourself.
Hopefully, we help you understand what MPA and MPP are and how they can help you propel your career. Of course, as you have already seen, the benefits to obtaining these are manifold.