Have you ever had a scenario of discovering flooding in your bathroom or kitchen just before you go to work or some important event? Anyone who has encountered this kind of problem knows how disturbing it can be. Almost equally frustrating problems are constantly dripping pipes, a cistern that is constantly humming, or constant humidity around the toilet.
All these are symptoms that you have problems in the house that should be solved immediately so that it does not spread. Plumbing pipes are hidden in the wall and we usually remember that they only exist when the problem becomes obvious. In order not to wait for that very moment, but to prevent bigger problems, it would be nice to check the water pipes regularly. Proactivity and regular controls are the key to good maintenance of the house or apartment. And not only that, in this way you save money with which you paid for major repairs, but also your time. It is for this reason that we had to ask ourselves: How often should you have your plumbing checked? The answer is not simple and depends on several factors, which we will explain in detail below.
Which is all part of water supply control?
When we say water supply control, we mean two things: you can do the inspection yourself, but also a detailed inspection of your water supply system by experts with special equipment. What you can do for a start is to inspect the walls inside which the pipes are laid. Look for the slightest trace of water leakage, moisture on the wall, or cracks. Then check the valves and check for moisture in any form. Although you use sinks, showers, and bathtubs every day, now check the water flow in detail with full attention.
There is also a toilet, and special attention is paid to the toilet and the cistern. Take a good look at your toilet from all sides and make sure everything is dry. Drain the water from the cistern and listen with full attention for unnecessary movements of water inside the cistern, but also through the line of the pipe that carries the water to the cup. What you can do with the naked eye is to check the equipment in your home that needs water to work (washing machine and dishwasher). Special attention should be paid to the boiler, where any, even the smallest malfunction can be even dangerous.
However, for a more detailed and high-quality inspection of water pipes in your house, it would be good to call experts such as www.sewersquad.ca. They have special equipment with which they can safely inspect and provide a description of the condition of the water pipes in your home. Special cameras will check the main water and sewage lines around your property.
With such a detailed inspection of water pipes, experts recommend sleeping every two years if it is a relatively newer house or apartment. However, some certain exceptions and situations require you to engage in this area more often. So, if your house or apartment is in good condition and if you do not notice any omissions in your internal inspection, it is enough to call water pipe experts once every two years to point out the actual condition of the pipes. And here are the specific situations that require your more frequent attention.
If your house is quite old
Like everything else, water pipes have their own shelf life. Over time, they begin to decline and create problems in every possible sense. Special attention should be paid to houses built-in 1960 or earlier. In that period, the basic material from which water pipes were made was steel. These pipes decay much faster than the more modern ones, so they require much more attention. Either way, older homes require a lot more attention in every possible way, even when it comes to plumbing pipes. In such situations, an annual detailed inspection of water pipes can save you from bursting pipes, broken, pan and eventually ends, can save you from living in an unhealthy environment.
You just bought a house
This is a good time to thoroughly check the plumbing in your new home. No matter how eager you are to move into a new home, we suggest that you plan everything in detail so that you do not quickly get disappointed and have problems. If it is found that somewhere the pipe is cracked, that the valve has loosened or similar problems, solve the tone and time and move into a completely correct and safe new house. It would be good to check all these details before the official purchase of the house because certain breakdowns and repairs can affect the price of your new home. It’s the same thing if you’re selling your home. In this way, you can avoid unpleasant surprises that could change the flow of sales.
Orchard in the yard
Now you will be wondering why an old orchard can be a problem for your water pipes. It can be very big. Young trees are not a threat, but perennial trees can be. Not only do they grow above the ground, but they grow and strengthen below the ground, that is, at their root. Controlling and tracking plant roots is not that simple. Long and strong roots can come in contact with your pipes and damage them. The damage can sometimes be so great that water leaks can be felt by the constant humidity of the soil in that place. However, sometimes the problem is so small that it is impossible to discover the location of the problem without professional help.
Therefore, if you have an orchard near your home, an annual inspection of water pipes can save you from bigger problems.
Most people try to fix some problems on their own when it comes to plumbing. However, if the problem is a bit more complicated or you simply do not have experience with repairing drainage pipes and installation, call an expert immediately. As much as you think that your repair will save money, you are mistaken. Sometimes you just won’t be able to locate the real source of the problem so you’ll only create even more chaos; you will not know which part to buy and buying more parts can cost you much more than paying for a professional plumber. Not to mention saving time and nerves. So think carefully before you take action on your own.