Music is one of the most peculiar parts of life. Humans don’t need it to live, nor do we need it for anything that is required for the species to continue. Nevertheless, it has become an integral part of civilization and is so ingrained in our culture that we can barely fathom life without it.
However, while most people are passive consumers of music, others have gone even further and are creators and active admirers of the activity, so much so that they have dedicated a generous portion of their lives to learning how to create it.
If you are currently on the former side of that post but have been considering moving towards the latter, this post is for you. We will explore some key considerations you should contemplate as you begin your journey into one of the most wonderful activities created by humankind.
Find An Instrument That Speaks To You
Before you begin your quest to become the next musical maestro, you need to figure out which instrument you want to invest your precious time in learning. For some, this might be obvious, while for others, not so much. For instance, some of you reading this will already have been imagining that you can play the piano or guitar for a long time, while others will be a little more ambiguous and need some more time pondering how they want to go about things.
For the former, you can simply head out and purchase the instrument you’ve always dreamt of playing and get cracking, while the latter might want to do a bit of research using a dedicated website for music enthusiasts that can offer you a few ideas and perspectives. Nonetheless, whether you already know what you want to play or not, you should carefully consider all your options when the time comes to put your hand in your pocket.
Most institutions outside of the highly underrated triangle can cost a serious chunk of change, and investing in the wrong item too early could leave you significantly out of pocket. Fortunately, you can always rent before you buy, which also handily leads to the next point…
Rent Before Buying, If Possible
As previously mentioned, many instruments can cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Unless you are one of the lucky few who so far has avoided the cost of living crisis spreading around the world, you will likely be wary of dumping too much of your savings into a hobby you are unsure you will fully commit to. If this sounds like you, but you are still eager to begin your musical journey, you can always rent your chosen instrument and see how attached you get to it.
By renting, you will forgo having to dip into your savings but still be able to get a feel for the instrument. Moreover, you can use your rental device to start practicing so that when you are ready to take the plunge and fork out for your very own instrument, you will be prepared to hit the ground running.
Take Lessons To Learn The Basics
While there are a plethora of online courses to take advantage of, never underestimate the advantages of learning with a teacher in person. If you don’t have the time or spare cash to hire a tutor, that’s fine; most online lessons are perfectly adequate.
But if you can learn in person, you will better understand how the instrument should sound and be handled and gain constructive criticism that is simply unavailable with pre-recorded videos.
Also, don’t forget that no matter how much you want to start playing the boogie-woogie on the piano to impress your friends, learning any instrument takes time and patience and often involves spending an inordinate amount of time learning the basics before moving on to anything more complicated.
Attend Concerts For Inspiration
If you really want to gain a genuine appreciation for your chosen interment, you would do well attending as many live concerts as possible. This shouldn’t be an issue in most major cities, but it will really open your eyes to the way they play and how the musician uses their instrument as a conduit to pour their heart and souls into.
It can also inspire you to keep practicing when you reach a plateau. This can happen to the best, and plateauing can reduce your motivation to continue. However, attending concerts in person can help you get back on track and remember why you wanted to start.
Join Local Music Groups Or Bands
There is nothing more motivating than exploring your passion with like-minded people. By joining a local band, you can discover new ways of playing and different outlooks on music in general. It can help you stay focused, but it will also allow you to create great music by combining diverse instruments, genres, and people.
Experiment With Different Genres
Speaking of different genres, you should never be afraid to experiment with any of the multitudes of different musical styles that abound. If you remain too much in one lane, you will never take the leap from a competent musician to a great one.
This isn’t to say you must enjoy every type of music that exists, as this simply isn’t possible, but by branching out, you may discover a newfound appreciation for a genre you have previously dismissed.
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
When at the benign of your journey, it’s easy to compare yourself to others. You might feel embarrassed that you can’t play as well as a friend or start feeling demotivated when you don’t reach the goal you have set for yourself.
However, you should leave your preconceived notions at the door and remember that playing a musical instrument is highly personal. You are doing this for you and nobody else. So, instead of comparing yourself to others and feeling deflated, try to look at others as an inspiration to strive for greatness.
Learning an instrument is not as easy or straightforward as most people make out. However, with enough patience, inspiration, and desire to learn, you will end up in the enviable position of being able to play your chosen instrument whenever the fancy takes you.