6 IQ Testing Myths That You Need to Stop Believing

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Do you think that intelligence is mostly genetic? Or do you believe that intelligence can be improved with practice and education? If you believe in the former, then you may be harboring a few IQ testing myths that you need to stop believing.

Here are six of them:

1. Intelligence Is Mostly Genetic

The research on IQ and genetics is inconclusive, but there does seem to be a correlation between IQ and genetics. This means that if you have a high IQ, it’s likely because of your genes. However, this doesn’t mean that intelligence can’t be improved with practice and education.

2. IQ Tests Are Accurate

Source: silverliningsclinic.com

While IQ tests are generally accurate when it comes to predicting general academic success, they’re not always accurate when it comes to predicting success in specific fields or occupations. For example, someone who has an IQ of 150 may do well on an IQ test, but may not be successful in a field such as architecture or engineering because those fields require more than just an average intellect.

3. Intelligence Is Universally Useful

While intelligence is definitely useful in many areas of life, it’s not always necessary or advantageous to have a high IQ. For example, a person with an IQ of 150 may be able to do well on an IQ test, but they may not be as skilled or knowledgeable in other areas of life.

4. Intelligence Is Always Developed With Age

While intelligence does tend to develop with age, this doesn’t mean that it can’t be improved. For example, a person who is age 50 may have had their intelligence developed at a similar rate as a person who is age 20, but the 50-year-old may still have room for improvement.

5. Intelligence Can Be Measured With Absolute Accuracy

Source: inc.com

While IQ tests are generally accurate, there are always some errors associated with them. This means that while a person’s IQ score may be relatively accurate, there’s always the chance that the score could be inaccurate by a certain amount.

6. Intelligence Is Independent Of Other Factors

While intelligence is definitely influenced by a variety of factors, it’s not completely independent of other factors. For example, a high IQ score may be related to genetic factors, but it also likely depends on the environment in which the individual was raised.


IQ testing is a popular tool used by parents and educators to assess a child’s intelligence. While the tests are reliable, there are some myths that need to be broken down before you decide whether or not to have your child take an IQ test.

– First and foremost, IQ tests do not measure intelligence quotient (IQ) as defined by the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales – they instead measure different areas of cognitive ability.

– Secondly, IQ scores vary depending on race, socioeconomic status, and gender – so they cannot accurately reveal how smart your child is relative to others in their demographic group.

– Lastly, IQ scores do not predict success in life – rather they are associated with lower rates of unemployment and higher incomes.