Choosing a web development company is not easy. For example, thousands of companies are presented nowadays. There are many professionals among them, but there are also those who make projects of not the best quality. When the users choose web design services, this can all be useless without understanding how to determine the best website development company. Currently, there are dramatic changes with the virtual services provided over the Internet. Many people and businesses can’t keep up with the constant changes so they are looking for convenient ways to outsource these tasks and AIAD agency are one of the industry-leading companies to offer such services.
A transition is being made to a new “high-quality” stage of development, the Internet services market, which includes various advertising agencies, web-design studios, individuals offering their services, including the creation of Web-projects and are temporarily competitive due to their low-cost products. It is for this that small firms are bought, for which the main criterion for choosing a website creator is price.
Of course, this can be understood and, moreover, it is sometimes rational – why to pay big money for a simple project, which is only advertising information about the company, if you can entrust this work to one person with taste, even if “without a name”, who will not much worse and much cheaper than a specialized web studio.
Let’s analyze each point and highlight the questions that web studios should ask in order to choose the ideal partner for your new commercial website.
High-quality development
Would you like to test the level of professionalism of a web studio? It’s pretty easy. Let’s start with a portfolio. Pay attention to past work. They should be modern and stylish. If so, then contact the company representatives and request a list of the largest sites developed by the company. A big plus if the list contains projects with high traffic. This is proof that the company develops good quality websites that really benefit the owners. You can also hire a developer for the purpose of outstaffing.
Many web designers don’t understand the real quality of the work. So they just rely only on the design. The concerns about will the desired effect be achieved on conversions are not important for them.
The owners of the website must look attentively at the potential executor of your order. All the details about their own website must be taken into consideration. Then must be done its analysis. How is it displayed in different browsers? Remember that the website of a web design studio is its face, a virtual office, and a tool for self-promotion. If you do not like your own website of a web studio, it is unlikely that you will like their implementation of your order.
Compliance with deadlines
This indicator in Fireart is quite difficult to verify, but it is worth discussing it in detail with a company representative. Ask how long it will take to develop your project, what problems might arise in the future, and how they will affect the timing of your website’s development. Experienced companies will quickly provide you with a detailed development plan based on your technical requirements.
A clear, transparent budget
When it comes to the price of a project, you need to know what is included in the development cost. Some companies in their work may use services with additional payment. So you need to clarify what tools will be implemented in your project and how this will affect the final budget.
Reasonable prices
Ask about the cost of developing your project. In most cases, you will not hear the exact amount, however, you will be offered a range of possible budgets. If everything suits you, move on to the next item. If that price isn’t right for you, check out what they can offer you within your budget.
Close communication
In the initial stages, it is almost impossible to determine what the communication will be like in the future. However, you can notice this from the first conversation or correspondence. The staff of a professional web studio are always polite and offer ideas for solving a specific problem. The development process is rather important. For example, our company offers a unique project management methodology.
Each client has access to an online document with a detailed web development plan, which is updated every day. So, you can open it at any time and see what has already been done, what is being done at the moment, and what will be done soon. In general terms, you can read about the stages of web development.
Ask the company what guarantees it provides once the website is finished. Every professional web design company has a tester in its team who checks the site for bugs. You must clearly understand what will happen if errors occur after launching your project.
Therefore, the company must provide a warranty period, regardless of the type of project: whether it is a restaurant website, a real estate agency, or a mobile application. Pay attention to the experience of a web studio in the web design services market, how long has the studio been in existence? Rate the quantity and quality of the work done by the studio – usually, they are included in the portfolio of the web studio. At the same time, do not be lazy to go to several of the sites you like most from the portfolio and conduct its usability testing for yourself. Again, note if you like these sites.
Make sure that the sites listed in the portfolio of the web studio are actually made by them. To do this, just look at one of the lower corners of the site – there will be the so-called copyright, i.e. data about the studio that developed the site. In addition, you can call one of the companies whose website is in the portfolio and personally hear the impressions of this web design studio.
Of course, the listed tips are not the only criteria for choosing a web studio, in addition, some of them are not always applicable in practice, because if there are rules, then there will be exceptions to the rules. But, in general, the above can help you in the most rational choice of a web design studio.