7 Top Freshman Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Source: piqsels.com

Being a first-year student is not easy: many things are confusing and sometimes scary. Adapting to a new environment is a difficult task that often leads to confusion.

In this article, we have compiled the most common mistakes made by freshmen. Take note so that you can properly get into your study routine from the very beginning, not after a year of classes.

1. “I’ll manage everything”

Source: piqsels.com

Most freshmen get caught up in social life and sports, often at the expense of their studies. If you stop attending classes, it can be difficult to catch up. Every new topic in any discipline is related to the previous one: if you skip a few important lectures, you get confused about the subject.

How to avoid it?

Try to organize your schedule so that your leisure time and studies are in harmony. If you have to choose between attending a lecture or going to the gym, choose the former: you can do push-ups and sit-ups in the morning/before bedtime.

Check your schedule every evening so that you don’t make a mistake by the third class. When you have a busy schedule, it’s easy to mix up days, classes, and even homework.

If you do miss some seminars, talk to the teacher about it as soon as possible. Request materials that students have been exposed to in class, so you can get up to speed more quickly.

2. Lack of a planner

The academic workload at university is much heavier than at school. At the same time, pupils write down their homework in a school diary, while students keep it in their heads (why?). If you constantly have to memorize tasks, you can quickly damage your performance. Few people have a memory that allows them to construct entire timetables in their heads.

How to avoid it?

Don’t try to manage deadlines in your mind. Instead, use a written planner or app to be aware of all tasks and deadlines. Like skipping class, not doing your homework ruins your reputation. Recovering it is much harder than buying a notebook and scheduling tasks.

You should also set aside time to actually do your homework (or contact essayassistant.net if you feel the workload is too heavy).

3. Wasting energy

Source: uta.edu

Freshmen often go for broke, trying to succeed everywhere. They sign up for several extracurricular activities, join the student government and participate in every university party. Such students are enthusiastic but soon burn out.

Trying to chase more than one hare deprives them of meaningful recreation, and this has a negative effect on their studies. It is important to take breaks in activities.

How to avoid it?

While you should definitely be active, don’t take on more tasks than you can handle. Try to find a healthy balance between being active and spending time alone with yourself to replenish the energy you use up. Finally, never let social life or other activities deprive you of rest and academic responsibilities.

4. Poor sleep

Along with burnout, lack of sleep is another mistake most students make. Anyone who has graduated from university can remember ‘night study marathons’, cramming for a difficult exam. This lifestyle prevents you from getting plenty of rest, which can affect your mood, health, and memory.

How to avoid it?

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s rest: try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. You should also stick to a consistent schedule, going to bed and waking up around the same time. Discipline will keep your nervous system healthy and your energy reserves fully restored. In this way, you will be more productive in your studies and other daytime activities.

5. Poor budgeting skills

Source: entrepreneurbusinessblog.com

The first year of university is a financially difficult one. This is when most first-year students realize that the responsibility for spending now lies with them, not their parents. Many fall into the trap of spending more than they can afford.

How to avoid it?

The best way to avoid problems with your finances is to make a spending plan and stick to it. Determine how much money you will have on hand each month and then note all monthly and other expenses. Being proactive about finances will help you avoid money problems and focus on your studies.

6. Skipping classes

After school supervision, many people think of the university as a hobby club, which they may or may not attend – no one will complain to their parents anyway. But that is not true. You can miss a few classes for a good reason. But not attending classes for weeks or ignoring specific subjects is not a good idea. Before the session, teachers will be reminded of the absences, and then passing the subject, even if you really know it, will be difficult.

How to avoid it?

You should finally realize that you alone are responsible for everything in your life now. Therefore, self-discipline is something you need now to avoid future conflicts.

7. Missed opportunities

Source: piqsels.com

Many first-year students are inactive in their first year and miss out on a lot of opportunities:

  • to make new friends;
  • go abroad for a seminar;
  • get an automatic in session and a scholarship increase;


Shyness prevents students from volunteering or raising their hand in class. Unfortunately, this problem is very common, but it can be avoided.

How to avoid it?

Don’t deny yourself the pleasure of going to extra-curricular activities if you feel like it. Answer in class if you know the answer to the teacher’s question, don’t give it away to your classmates! You have only four or five years to spend at university, so you need to make the most of it.

Imagine for a moment that you have already obtained a degree and have been working in an office for several years. What would you regret when you think about being a student? If thoughts of missed opportunities torment you, now is the time to pursue them.

Take stock of our tips and make sure you’ve started your freshman year off right. Good luck preparing for your new academic adventure!