Can The Summer Heat Make Your Hair Fall Out?


Hair loss is a common problem that every man and woman can relate to. It affects people of all ages and can diminish one’s quality of life. For most people, having a full head of hair boosts confidence and elevates their sense of self. Hair loss can occur due to a variety of reasons. It is most commonly a bad case of genetics being passed down from parent to child. However, other factors such as experiencing heightened stress levels, change in medication, disease and aging can also cause noticeable hair loss.

As the season changes, many people also begin to see more hair on their brushes and in the shower. This can be particularly acute during the summer heat. Such hair loss can, however, be addressed by taking specially designed Hair Loss treatment for men and women. These treatments tend to come as medications like Generic Finasteride or Propecia.

There is often a Finasteride vs Propecia comparison, but both are basically the same. When you buy Finasteride online or through a physical store, you are basically getting a branded form of Propecia.

It’s important to understand the science behind hair growth before we get into how summers can take a toll on your hair.

Hair Growth


There are over 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp. Hair grows from a root at the bottom of the follicle. The blood in your scalp goes to the follicle and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the hair root, which helps your hair grow. As your hair grows, it will push through your skin and passes by an oil gland. Hair grows in three stages. In the first stage, rapid cell division occurs within the scalp causing new hair to grow. The second stage is a transitionary period where cell division stops. In the last stage, the hairs are shed from the scalp.

It is perfectly normal to see some strands of hair fall from your scalp. According to dermatologists, we lose about 50 to 100 strands every day. However, if you begin to notice more hair shedding than usual, then it may be a cause for concern.

What Causes Hair to Fall?

Hair falls can occur due to many reasons. Your genetics largely determine the thickness and density of your hair. If your parents or grandparents had, for instance, male pattern baldness, there is little you can do to avoid it. Other major causes of hair loss can include hormonal disorders, autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and various skin conditions.

Hair is amongst the fastest growing tissue in the body. Hence, it requires abundant nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. The absence of such nutrients in your diet can lead to rapid hair loss. Most people who go to the doctors with hair loss complaints often get prescribed supplements for iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin Bs, vitamins C and E, and essential fatty acids such as omega 3s and 6s.

In addition to all these causes of hair loss, the summer heat is another factor that can be bad for hair.

Summertime and Hair Loss


Environmental factors in the summer heat can cause more hair to fall out. Sea salt, pool chlorine, and sun rays in the summer speed up the wear and tear of hair strands making them fall out faster than new ones can grow. Some people even attribute high UV light to increased hair loss. The exact reason for increased hair loss is not known with complete certainty, but if you generally have more sensitive hair, you may experience increased hair shedding in the summer.

Excessive heat and rising temperatures can also cause stress. This is especially relevant for those who spend the majority of the day time outside their homes. The result can be a condition known as Telogen Effluvium, which is a sudden and dramatic loss of hair when faced with significant stress in life. This is an extreme response to stress from your body, with a lot of your hair falling out at once.

How to Prevent Hair Loss?

It is best to avoid being out in the sun for too long in the summertime. If you cannot avoid going outside, the best thing to do would be to cover your head. Wear a cap or even a light scarf. This will help keep your hair safe from harmful UV rays and prevent them from drying out. Furthermore, you can purchase hair oil with SPF to protect your hair and scalp from UV rays. If you think you are more prone to stress during the summers, you should actively work on decreasing stress in your life. This can be done through various methods such as deep breathing, meditating, or seeing a licensed mental health professional.

In addition to these preventative measures, you can also use medication for hair loss.

Hair Loss Medication


If you believe you are suffering from serious hair loss, it may be time to see a dermatologist. Your doctor will help determine the root cause of your hair loss. Whether it is because of your genetic makeup, skin disease, some sort of autoimmune disorder or the summer heat, knowing the cause of your hair loss will dictate the most suitable treatment plan.

Finasteride UK (Generic Propecia) are two drugs most commonly used for hair loss treatment and are approved medical treatments for androgenic alopecia. If your hair loss is caused by a deficiency of nutrients, you will be given supplements and told to fix your diet. Other options like Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), mesotherapy, cellular treatments, and stem cell and hair transplants may also be used for more advanced treatment.