How to Build a Healthy Relationship


As a living being, a relationship is very vital to us. It is very unlikely for anyone to say they can live without having any form of relationship. Being in a relationship has a way to build us and instill some sense of uniqueness in us. But to some people, connections have been seen as being overrated, which in the real sense is not. These people are not to be blamed. The unhealthy relationship in which they have found themselves has made them think in that line. Being in a relationship is important and good, but more important is being in a healthy connection.

In a healthy connection, partners have an interdependency attitude. That is, both parties lean on each other for mutual support. However, while depending on each other, they still maintain their identity as people, not losing their self-esteem and worth. This makes the relationship to be at equilibrium.


When referring to the term healthy relationship, it is narrower than it looks on the surface. This is because what one person terms as a healthy connection may be different from how another person will see it. Individual’s specific needs in the relationship and how their partner can meet up with them can make them term their relationship to be healthy or not. The specific needs can range from ceaseless communication, affection, sexual intimacy, shared values or hobbies, making up time for each other, etc. For a relationship to see the bright light and step up from dating to marriage, many matchmaking services like this one are making the stages that a healthy connection entails known for all who desire to have it. Knowing these stages, you will adequately build a healthy, sustainable, and lasting connection.

Stages of building a relationship


Getting into marriage doesn’t just happen. There must have been a work in progress that saw the relationship giving a ring. The stages of building a healthy connection help an individual with the knowledge of commitment and how it develops and works together. In building your relationship from dating to the wedding, here are the stages to follow.

1. Knowing each other

For any healthy connection to commence, the individual involved must get to know each other. This stage is when you develop an interest in each other, become attracted, and form bonds based on chemistry and interest. This stage is when both parties discuss their personalities, their morals and core values, and what characterized them. This is the dating stage that compatibility is known. If this stage could be passed through, then they move on to the next stage.

2. Allowing your partner into your life


This stage involves full opening up and granting your partner a chance into your life. At this stage, if you have a child, you allow him/her to know that child, and if you don’t, you introduce them to your family and friends. Letting them know that that is the person you cherish and will wish to be with. Next, you start to invite the person to special events, involve them in your hobbies, and seek advice about your discipline. Doing this is a commitment that the person is the only one you are interested in and has seen the person as part of you. When you think about this person as part of you, you move on to the next stage.

3. More commitment

This is the stage you give more commitment to the relationship. More appreciation, love, and intimacy will be channel towards your partner. You will have a more and proper understanding of the person and will be able to communicate their language of love. Here, you have a grave feeling of not living your life without them and want to spend the remainder of your life with this single person.

4. Approval

This is the stage in which you endorse your relationship and make it known to your partner, family, and friends how serious you are with the person. This is the stage of getting wedded with your partner and legally sealing the commitment.

Rules for a healthy and happy relationship

  • Establish your relationship on mutual purpose: to experience a healthy and happy relationship, it is best to give a clear definition to your relationship. Doing this will help you to build a purposeful relationship. As you mean to go, how you want it to end should be laid clear at the onset.
  • Communicate: This is very crucial. If your relationship suffers in this aspect, it will be difficult to build a healthy relationship. While communicating, speak out your heart, and let it be open and constructive. In solving issues, let mutual communication do the task. Don’t sweep issues under the carpet, and don’t allow unresolved conflicts to have a place in your relationship.
  • No matter how full your schedule is, try to spend quality time together doing some activities. Doing this will give more time to talk and have a better understanding of each other.
  • Show appreciation for the little service that your partner renders.
  • Be attentive to your partner. If they have something to share with you, show interest and willingness in what they have to say or express.
  • To maintain a healthy relationship, have personal time for yourself without interference, and your partner should do the same. This will help you both to reflect on personal traits and think about how to develop personally.


A healthy relationship is not something that just happens on its own. It requires lots of effort of the parties involved, their commitment, and their end goals about the relationship. It is a work that is in progression. If your relationship sees it to marriage, do not drop the work in making each other happy. Rather, step up in building your relationship to make it a blissful union. A healthy relationship is a seed that needs to be watered and nurtured after it has been sown. That is the only way for you to reap the harvest of happiness and long-term love.