Are Private Tutors More Expensive?


Sometimes a little help can go a long way. The extra assistance a student can get from private tutoring can do wonders for how they learn and succeed in their academics.

However, some are uncertain about reaching out to private tutors. The cost of one might seem like it could be expensive.

If you’re thinking about hiring a private tutor, see what you can expect to pay and understand the value behind the cost of one.

What is a Private Tutor?


It’s not uncommon for students to struggle academically due to a teacher’s divided attention. Being taught individually can be invaluable for students’ learning and academic success. That’s where private tutoring can be an asset to struggling students trying to learn certain subjects. A private tutor can teach a student one-on-one, where they can go through one or even several subjects over to the student.

You can find a private tutor for all academic levels, from elementary school to college. Therefore, you can expect a private tutor to have a bachelor’s degree in the subject from which the student needs tutoring. They help the student complete their assignments and explain certain course material to ensure the subjects they struggle with can still result in them passing them.

Where to Find Private Tutors?

When it comes to private tutors, they’re usually self-employed, work with a tutoring organization, or happen to volunteer as one. In this case, private tutoring can be conducted in a few ways.

  • Online: In recent years, students have been taught virtually via Zoom or other video chat platforms to help them learn. It’s no different with a private tutor!
  • At Home: Some students like to learn from the comforts of their homes. Private tutors can easily accommodate doing so.
  • Public Spaces: Certain environments can make it easier to learn than others. So, it’s not uncommon for private tutors to help students by meeting them at public places or libraries.
  • Organization’s Office: If you find a private tutor from an organization, some can utilize their organization’s office. Typically, they provide the resources and ideal setting for private tutoring.

They can set their hours depending on where or who you hire for a private tutor. Plus, you would need to book an appointment with them since they also have several students to give private tutoring.

What’s the Value Behind Private Tutors?


There is structure to how private tutors help their students. To help their students do well academically, private tutors will prepare a lesson plan before a private tutoring session.

These are what a private tutor keeps in mind when preparing for a session with a student:

  • Reviewing classroom topics & curriculum
  • Looking over assignments
  • Assisting students with test preparation, research, & homework
  • Adapting to student’s learning style
  • Provide additional learning materials & resources
  • Offering feedback & constructive criticism
  • Reviewing tests & discussing test questions
  • Conducting practice tests and quizzes to assess students’ progress

From what they provide to a student, a private tutor is actively creating ways to help foster better learning than what a teacher may have failed to do.

How Much is a Private Tutor?


The cost of a private tutor can vary. You can find a private tutor for free in some cases through school. In those cases, it can be harder to keep one you like since they would have a higher demand. Therefore, you can end up paying for a private tutor instead.

Depending on the credentials of a private tutor, you can end up paying a higher hourly rate for the service they provide. For instance, a private tutor that has post-secondary credentials in curriculum instruction. That credential showcases exceptional organization and the ability to find the best way to teach.

For the most part, a private tutor can potentially charge however they want based on their experience. So, the pay gap among some private tutors can be quite big. It isn’t unheard of for the ones with the most experience and expertise to make a career out of private tutoring. On average, these private tutors can earn around $50,000 per year. Alternatively, on an hourly rate, you can expect the hourly pay for a private tutor can cost around $17-$18.

Private tutoring can be expensive. However, it only gets costly because of a tutor’s level of experience and credential background. In which case, it’s important to ensure they are legitimate to get your money’s worth out of their private tutoring.