People Seek Therapy for These 8 Common Reasons


People seek therapy for many different reasons. Some people are struggling with a specific problem, such as anxiety or depression. Others may be going through a difficult life transition, such as the death of a loved one.

Still, others may simply feel like they need someone to talk to who will understand and support them. Whatever the reason, there is no shame in seeking help from a professional therapist. In this article, we will discuss eight of the most common reasons why people seek therapy.

1. Grief and Loss

One of the most common reasons people seek therapy is to deal with grief and loss. Whether you are grieving the death of a loved one or experiencing another type of loss, such as the end of a relationship, therapy can be incredibly helpful. Many people find it difficult to cope with loss on their own and need the support of a therapist to work through their grief.

And one of Calgary’s top therapists notes that grief can manifest in many different ways, so it’s important to seek help if you are struggling. It’s not uncommon to feel depressed, anxious, or even angry after a loss, and a therapist can help you manage these feelings and start to heal.

2. Anxiety and Depression


Another common reason people seek therapy is to deal with anxiety and depression. If you are struggling with either of these mental health conditions, therapy can be an extremely effective treatment. In fact, research has shown that therapy can be just as effective as medication for treating anxiety and depression.

And unlike medication, which only treats the symptoms of these conditions, therapy can help you understand and address the root cause of your anxiety or depression. If you are struggling with either of these conditions, it’s important to seek help from a qualified therapist.

3. Life Transitions

Another common reason people seek therapy is to deal with a difficult life transition. These transitions can include significant changes such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or becoming a parent.

While these transitions can be exciting, they can also be stressful and overwhelming. Many people find it helpful to talk to a therapist during these transitions to help them manage their stress and adjust to the new change.

4. Relationship Issues


Many people seek therapy to deal with relationship issues. Whether you are struggling in your marriage, dealing with the end of a relationship, or trying to navigate a difficult family situation, therapy can help.

A therapist can provide you with the tools and support you need to improve your relationships and build healthier ones in the future. They can also help you understand and resolve any underlying issues that may be contributing to your relationship problems.

5. Stress Management

If you are struggling to manage your stress, therapy can be a great option. Stress is a normal part of life, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.

Therapy can help you learn how to better cope with stress and make lifestyle changes that will reduce its impact on your life. It can also help you understand and address the root cause of your stress, which is often helpful in reducing its intensity.

6. Trauma


If you have experienced a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, car accident, or sexual assault, therapy can be an incredibly valuable tool. Many people find it difficult to cope with trauma on their own and need the support of a therapist to work through their experience.

Therapy can help you process your trauma and learn how to cope with its aftermath. It can also provide you with the tools you need to prevent future trauma from occurring. If you have experienced trauma or abuse, therapy can be an incredibly helpful way to heal from your experience. Trauma can have a lasting impact on your mental and emotional health, and it’s important to seek help if you are struggling.

7. Self-Esteem Issues

If you are struggling with low self-esteem, therapy can be a great way to improve your self-image. A therapist can help you understand the root cause of your low self-esteem and work to improve it. They can also provide you with tools and strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and building a healthier self-image. If you are struggling with low self-esteem, therapy can be an extremely helpful way to improve your mental health.

8. Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are a type of mental disorder that can damage lives, destroy relationships, and cause problems at work. It’s estimated that about 1 in every 25 adults has some form of personality disorder. There are many different types of personality disorders, each with its own set of diagnostic criteria. Examples of personality disorders include:

  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
  • Antisocial personality disorder (APD)
  • Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
  • Paranoid personality disorder (PPD)

Personality disorders often co-occur with other mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders, eating disorders, or mood disorders. The exact cause of personality disorders is unknown. However, it is believed that they are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

For example, someone who has a parent with a personality disorder may be more likely to develop the disorder themselves. This suggests that there may be a genetic component to these disorders. However, it is also believed that the environment plays a role. For instance, someone who experiences trauma or abuse may be more likely to develop a personality disorder. Additionally, personality disorders may be caused by problems with brain development or chemical imbalances.

There are many reasons why people seek therapy. Some common reasons include experiencing a loss, dealing with anxiety or depression, going through a difficult life transition, having relationship issues, struggling to manage stress, or coping with trauma. If you are struggling with any of these issues, it’s important to seek help from a qualified therapist. Therapy can be an incredibly effective way to address the root cause of your problem and make lasting changes in your life.