It is hard to find a person on this planet that does not want to look nice. However, the methods we use to achieve that goal are usually different. Some people take care of their meals and physical activity. In this way, they want to be fit and look attractive. Others would not invest a lot of effort to improve their body. Instead, they would spend a bit more money on attractive clothes. They would purchase attractive designs created by some of the most famous brands in the world.
Both methods seem interesting in a different way. However, there is one common concern of all people that tend to improve their physical appearance. We all have to deal with skin changes. Aging is the main reason why our skin does not look fresh and healthy as before. You simply can’t stop the process that we will all go through sooner or later. Still, that doesn’t mean that solution does not exist.
People use different methods to rejuvenate their skin. Some of them get disappointed in the end because certain treatments were not effective at all. On the other hand, certain treatments won’t bring the results that you expected. We completely understand the concerns that you have and we are ready to give you some answers. Have you ever heard about Nova Threads?
Well, this is a relatively young way that helps your skin stimulate collagen. Because of its short history, we are sure you do not know a lot about it. Fortunately, you came to the right place to find out things you need to know about Nova Threads. Enough talking; let’s find out those things together.
Before Everything – What Is Nova Threads?
Before everything, you should know that there are different thread lift procedures. Two of them that are the most popular one among people are Silhouette InstaLift and Nova Threads. At first glance, these two procedures will seem the same to you. However, there are certain differences that you should know about.
Silhouette Instalift threads are based on Poly-I-lactic. Indeed, this is also a biocompatible material. However, the experts use different types of threads during the operation because they are interspersed with small cones. This type of treatment will stimulate less collagen production.
On the other hand, Nova Threads are also made of one biocompatible material – Polydioxanone. The “task” of this biocompatible material is to stimulate collagen. Because of that, many people consider it as a great way for healing cuts. More precisely, the threads are going to be placed under your skin. As we said, they will stimulate collagen and make your skin look younger and fresher.
Surgical skin removal is one of the ways of how you can improve the quality of your skin. However, it has certain disadvantages, and many people hesitate to do that. With Nova Threads, this type of method is unnecessary. Bad collagen production is responsible for the quality-reduction of our skin. When you improve production, your skin will experience a youthful appearance.
You would get surprised by how small the threads are. Despite that, the majority of the patient will tell you they are mostly undetectable. This is probably the more important thing for you.
1. Why Should I Pick this Treatment?
You have probably tried many skincare treatments so far. Unfortunately, we assume they were all unsuccessful. We understand that you are demotivated, but there are certain reasons why you should pick Nova Threads.
First of all, certain skincare procedures are risky. Because of that, many people hesitate to try them out. Well, this type of concern does not exist when we talk about this procedure. The risks are at a very minimal level. Indeed, you will surely experience some swelling, pain, or mild discomfort. However, this is a typical thing when people use all types of injections. We assume you won’t consider this as a disadvantage.
2. How Long Does Nova Threads Work?
Let’s use micro-needling or lasters as an example. Many hospitals will offer you this way of collagen production improvement. However, will they be as effective as you imagine? In most cases, they will stimulate the production of the collagen for a week or two. After that, you will need to find other ways to stimulate it.
Things with this procedure are completely different. First of all, you should know it stimulates the collagen for six months. Despite that, it is good to mention it works 24/7. Still, this is not the most fascinating thing about this method of skincare. Believe it or not, the collagen that you produce for those 6 months will last up to 2 years. We are sure that you won’t find the skin treatment that will bring you better results.
3. How Long Will I Recover?
This might be the most impressive thing about Nova Threads. As you know, the recovery time of different methods can last for a week or two. However, this is not the case when we talk about Nova Threads. First of all, you should understand that this is a noninvasive procedure. In other words, the treatment itself does not require sedation. Because of that, the recovery time usually does not exist. Even if it does exist, it won’t last longer than a day or two.
4. Which Areas of Body This Procedure Covers?
The shortest answer to this question is “Everywhere”. However, we need to highlight that people usually use them in some common places. For instance, most patients decide on placing it in the lower and upper cheeks. Despite that, some of them are using it in the upper lip and the area below the chin. Still, this doesn’t mean you should do the same. As we said, you can use it in every part of your body that you plan to “fix”.
5. Where Should I Try It Out?
Okay, we provided you with answers to the most common questions. However, we are sure that picking the right place to expose yourself to Nova Threads treatment is the toughest task. You must pick the expert that has specialized in this area. Because of that, you might want to check cosmeticinjectables.com. Dr. Soleiman invested a lot of time and effort to improve her knowledge about the art of injectables. Despite that, there you can find out how to prepare yourself for this sort of treatment. You will also see if you are a good candidate for this type of procedure or not.